The Goals of Test Automation

TLDR; The goals of test automation: improve the quality of software, serve as documentation for how features work, reduce risk (and not introduce more risk), be easy to run, write and maintain.

Test automation takes the manual effort out of testing. It makes it easy to run your test cycles as frequently as you want them to run, without worrying about how long it could take to get results, or how many test engineers you have on your team. Why do repetitive stuff manually when you can code them up and have them run automatically, quickly and more accurately than a human ever could?

Now, with the obvious out of the way, lets consider what goals we could have for test automation.

  • Tests should help improve the quality of software
  • Tests should serve as documentation for software
  • Tests should help reduce risk
  • Tests should be easy to run
  • Tests should be easy to write and maintain
  • Tests should require minimal maintenance as the System evolves around them

The first three focus focus on the value provided by the tests, while the last three focus on the characteristics of the tests themselves. Lets look at each of these in more detail and see how we can make them measurable goals and not just concepts.

Tests should help improve the quality of software

Just the act of thinking through various scenarios in enough detail to create test cases and identifying where the requirements are ambiguous or contradicting, would weed out bugs at the earliest possible stage, even before a lot of code has been written.

Tests, like regression tests help ensure that bugs once fixed or features that used to work have not stopped working after the latest code change we made. This is a case of tests acting as bug repellents in this case.

Tests can identify which specific feature, thus part of the code base is broken. Imagine working through a ten page user creation workflow etc to be told at the end that something failed and that you should try it again, correctly this time. Unit tests in particular can point to specific functions that are misbehaving, so that you don’t spend time stepping through your entire workflow trying to find the specific line of code that’s broken.

Tests should serve as documentation for software

Tests help you understand how a specific feature reacts in a specific case or to a specific type of data. You can just pick the test that covers the specific scenario in question, step through it in a debugger and traverse through everything the system does in that case, thus understanding how control (and data) flow through the system.

Tests should help reduce risk

Tests provide a safety net to your code changes. If you din’t have automated tests, you would end up testing every feature (new and pre-existing) to make sure you did not break anything that worked before your changes or that you did not unintentionally make changes that caused some other part of the system to start working differently. There would be no easy way of verifying those things, without the safety net that an automated test suite offers.

Ensure that no testing specific code exists in the production environment. You want the system to behave exactly the same way in prod and in every other environment. Otherwise, how can you be sure that the production code actually works?

Tests should be easy to run

Tests should be fully automated, repeatable, independent and self checking.

They should be fully automated because otherwise, they will still need manual effort to setup or reset etc before each run and thus will add to development time, instead of making things faster. Anything that increases dev time is going to be cut out, sooner or later.

Self checking tests are similar. If you have a test run but not tell you if it failed or not, you still need to get into the results and manually verify. That’s no fun.

They must be repeatable so that they can be run as many times as needed- on every commit, on every pull request etc etc. Being fully automated and self checking are sort of pre-conditions to this goal.

Tests must be independent so that they can be run in any order, or run in isolation with requiring the whole test suite to run etc etc. If you change one line of code in one module, you need to be able to run tests that are specific to that module only. There’s definitely value in running all the tests for every code change but you don’t want to be forced to do that, if you don’t want to.

Tests should be easy to write and maintain

Let me blow your mind here by saying this: Tests are code! They need to be readable and maintainable like we want all other code to be. Tests become complicated when 1. we try to do too much in one test 2. not keeping test code DRY.

To keep tests simple, the best approach is to keep tests small and test one thing at a time. Each test should drive the system under test through a single code path. The exception to this would be Acceptance tests or Integration tests where we by definition need to work through multiple steps and multiple actions.

Keeping tests DRY involves creating as many building blocks as possible, building out a supporting library that’s as resuable as possible to ensure that folks writing the tests can focus on the tests and not have to re-implement all the test functionality needed to create that one test.

Tests should require minimal maintenance as the System evolves around them

We don’t want our tests to slow us down in times of change. How do we ensure that? We can do this by writing tests in such a way that the number of tests affected by any one change is quite small. We also need to ensure that the System under test and the environment are as loosely connected as possible. If we’ve made good use of DRY concepts, ideally all our setup, teardown etc would be localized to a few test utility functions for every change and thus become easier to identify + modify.

A lot of this blog’s thinking has been derive from this excellent book by Gerard Meszaros: xUnit Test Patterns.

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